animated nature scene with a rabbitanimated nature scene with a rabbitanimated nature scene with a rabbitanimated nature scene with a rabbit

not angora.

Rabbits like Ramona are gentle, socially complex animals with individual personalities. In their natural habitat, they live in clean burrows and spend their time foraging for food and interacting with other members of their warren. Rabbits use body language, such as posture, ear positions, and the speed of their nose wiggling, to express their feelings and intentions.

In the angora wool industry, workers often violently rip the fur out of rabbits’ sensitive skin. Rabbits frequently scream out in pain. After this terrifying ordeal, which the rabbits endure every three months, many appear to go into severe shock. After two to five years, those who have survived are hung upside down, their throats are slit, and their carcasses are sold for meat.

a lizard a duck

what to avoid

  • Angora sweaters, scarves, or socks 
  • Angora wool
  • Angora fiber: spun from rabbit hair 
  • Angora hair: used in knitwear products 
  • Blended angora: mixed with other fibers
  • Vintage/Reclaimed angora

what to buy

  • Tencel: sustainably made from wood pulp 
  • Soy cashmere: plant-based and soft fabric 
  • Modal: a smooth and breathable material 
  • Rayon: semi-synthetic and animal-free fiber 
  • Viscose: a versatile plant-based textile 


After seeing footage of gentle rabbits screaming in pain, hundreds of clothing retailers have pledged to remove angora from their shelves for good. Help rabbits abused in the name of fashion by never buying or wearing angora.

Photos: Cider/Cotopaxi/ /Instagram