animated nature scene with a mothanimated nature scene with a mothanimated nature scene with a mothanimated nature scene with a mothanimated nature scene with a moth

not silk.

Moths like Milo undergo four stages of metamorphosis. A female silk moth lays hundreds of eggs, which hatch into “silkworms”—a species of caterpillar. The caterpillar spins a cocoon, encasing themselves in a protective layer of protein fiber called silk. Finally, the adult moth emerges from the cocoon, just like a butterfly. Silkworms may look and age differently than we do, but they have central nervous systems and brains—and they react to pain, just like we do.

When used for silk, a silkworm typically does not get to fully transform into a moth because workers boil them to death in their cocoons to steal the silk. Imagine resting while completely vulnerable, awaiting a magnificent metamorphosis, only to be violently killed.

a lizard a duck

what to avoid

  • Silk fabric: derived from silkworms’ cocoons
  • Mulberry silk: made from silkworm farming
  • “Peace” & “Ahimsa” silk: marketed as ethical when it’s not
  • Silk satin: often made from silkworms’ cocoons
  • Habotai: a type of silk fabric 

check the labels thoroughly
(can sometimes be made of silk)

  • Charmeuse: a silk-like fabric
  • Chiffon: may contain silk fibers 
  • Organza: can be made from silk threads 
  • Taffeta: may contain silk fibers
  • Duchess satin: often made from silk 

what to buy

  • Viscose satin: soft and plant-based 
  • Cupro: a sustainable and breathable material 
  • Nylon: a synthetic fabric that mimics silk 
  • Ramie: a plant-based, durable fabric 
  • Polyester: synthetic and versatile alternative 
  • Bamboo silk: made from bamboo fibers 
  • Cactus silk/Sabra silk: derived from cactus plants 
  • Tencel: eco-friendly and biodegradable fiber 
  • Rayon: made from wood pulp


Roughly 3,000 silkworms are killed to make a single pound of silk, which means billions are killed every year. Silkworms waiting to spread their wings value their lives and want to avoid pain and torment. Help them by wearing vegan.

Photos: Express/LBLC the label/Kohl’s/Curly Twirly Girl