animated nature scene with a foxanimated nature scene with a foxanimated nature scene with a foxanimated nature scene with a foxanimated nature scene with a fox

not fur.

Foxes like Fiona are intelligent nocturnal animals who communicate by spreading scent with their big bushy tails. Female foxes work together to care for their families’ babies, and young foxes learn through play.

When used for fur, foxes and other animals like minks and chinchillas spend their lives confined to cramped, filthy cages. Fur farmers often use the cheapest killing methods, and animals are anally electrocuted, gassed, or bludgeoned. Additionally, many animals have their necks broken, their throats slit, or are decapitated before their skin is torn from their bodies. Animals like coyotes, who are trapped in their natural habitats for fur, can suffer for days before eventually dying of blood loss, frostbite, or attacks by predators.

a lizard a duck

what to avoid

  • Fur coats, accessories, and garments 
  • Non-textile parts of animal origin
  • Reclaimed fur: still supports cruelty 
  • Vintage fur: harmful despite being old
  • Pelt: skin with hair still attached 
  • Dyed fur: colored but still animal-based 
  • Natural fur: taken directly from animals 
  • Fur trim: added to jackets or hats 
  • Animal names like mink, fox, or sable

what to buy

  • Faux fur: cruelty-free and cozy option 
  • Fake fur: looks realistic without harm
  • Synthetic fur: soft and made from fibers 
  • Vegan fur: ethical and animal-free material 
  • Modacrylic fur: durable and flame-resistant 


Every fur coat, lining, or piece of trim represents the intense suffering of animals, whether they were trapped in nature or born on a fur factory farm. This cruelty will end only when we collectively refuse to buy or wear fur.

Photos: PacSun/SCHEELS/SpiritHoods